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Kamiware BashPodder
Documentation: kbp.conf
./kbp.sh is the program witch downloads the episodes of podcasts.
You can manage your podcasts with kbp.conf
A line of comment starts with ;
A line that starts with # shows a new part.
kbp will show a blank line and then the comment thats written behind the #.
You have to add 1 line in the configuration file per Podcast. You have to use the following syntax:
priority : priority of 0 - 9 (0 = important)
name : The name of the Podcast. Spaces and special
symbols shouldn't be used. The @-symbol and
special symbols that can't be used in foldernames
are forbidden.
This name will be used as folder where the
podcasts are saved.
/ is used to create subfolders.
url : The full url to the RSS feed. This can be
a http or ftp address.